In 2016 I was commissioned by the Balatonfüredi Yacht Club for the design of the trophies of that year's Open 420 - 470 Junior European Championship. Through the design process we came up with a shape resembling the fore- and mainsails of a boat with the added dynamic effect of the mass balancing on one edge while visually slightly leaning outward. The trophies were laser-cut from stainless steel and covered with a similar vinyl used to decorate boats. The whole design and manufacturing process was all done by fellow club members.

After the success of the event the club asked me to completely rewamp their trophy- and medal collection for the upcoming 150th anniversary of their founding. Since our earlier collaboration was so fruitful, it was easy to pick up and further develop our previous ideas. The earlier concept was based on a tilting sailboat, of which I worked out multiple threads that whould be considered as part of a single design process.
Although the scale of the project really did not require me to design it parametrically, through my previous experiences I have concluded that it would be a good thing if I do not want to constantly redraw / model it over and over again after minor changes.
This technic helped us faster incoporate the client's perceptions and feedback in the design process and easily change the design after the prototype has been manufactured, hence the model can be easily modified along the pre-parameterized directions (although that required a certain level of forward-looking).
This technic helped us faster incoporate the client's perceptions and feedback in the design process and easily change the design after the prototype has been manufactured, hence the model can be easily modified along the pre-parameterized directions (although that required a certain level of forward-looking).

client: Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
design: Attila Pataki - byPatki
manufacturing: Walter Speer - Unitrade-Autó AG
print: József Örmény -
Special thanks to Anett Fenyőfalvi & István Böröcz of the
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club.